I'm taking a psychology elective class that's called Resilience in Everyday Life. It's only six weeks long and only one credit hour but it's the best class I am taking. For our first class we had to create a poster that portrayed what makes us resilient. It was a pretty vague assignment but everyone had basically the same things on their poster. I'd like to think mine had a little more personal value to it though; most posters were slapped together an hour before class with random words from magazines cut and pasted to a 8x10 sheet of white paper. I can go on forever about each thing on my poster, so instead I'll just go one topic at a time.
Let's begin with the most important and influential reason as to why I'm resilient, shall we?

So we had to get into small groups and describe our poster and why we felt that it made us resilient. Honestly, I could not even describe how important beauty is, and how important it is to recognize all that is beautiful in this world. I tried my best to put into words how finding light in darkness makes me resilient, but I don't feel I did it justice. One girl was really impressed, I think, because she told the teacher just that.
I think it's really important to stand on top of a mountain, building, cliff, bridge, parking structure, ANYTHING that is at a higher elevation to truly appreciate beauty. I can honestly say I am at my happiest and most serene state of mind when I'm standing at a lookout and just staring as far as the eye can see. I think that's when I lose all my worries and get back to what is important. It's just such a great feeling to feel small. To look out into this world and watch life and be reminded of how small you are compared to the big picture that no one stops and appreciates anymore. There is too much technology. We need more artists and photographers in this world.