I have to get ready to go to the Tucson Hospitality Inn - that's right. I volunteer with my mom now but I'm running really late and will probably need to feed myself before going too as to not look rude by asking for food as soon as I walk in. I basically clean the bathrooms, vacuum and sweep the front courtyard. It's actually quite nice (and looks really great on my resume).
I need to finish the Common Application.
I need to order my Official Transcripts.
I need to apply to Eugene Lang The New School for Liberal Arts, New York University and Baruch College.
I need to get two teacher recommendations.
I need to apply for more scholarships.
I need to change my FAFSA to my mother being unemployed so I can receive any kind of financial aid.
I need to get financial aid. Because if I don't, I can forget about transferring.
My parents and I did the math last night and if I do transfer to The New School, I will still owe the school 55k after I graduate. That's not including rent, food, transportation, books&supplies, and clothing. I have a huge decision to make.
I applied for 4 on-campus jobs and got turned down by one because they can only hire work-study eligible students. Fuck that.
Okay so this post is pointless. Oh! I finished
The Death of Ivan Ilych. I bought
Anna Karenina yesterday and started it last night. So far so good, but it's just as long as
War and Peace so I figure if I can finish this I can finish that. I'm going to get ready now.