I am sorry if this first picture is offensive, but this is why I love my family SO MUCH. I'm assuming/hoping your reaction is shaking your head with your hand on your forehead but still smiling just a little bit because of how NUTS my uncle is in this ridiculously inappropriate but great costume (maybe you're not if you don't know him, in which case this is just wrong). Sorry.

My uncle in past years...


Nick and Vanilla Ice

....and I saw
New York, I Love You a while back and never said anything about it for some reason, but I had to send a review-ish to my good friend and I figured it's late and I might as well just copy and paste...
"okay, so this movie sadly gets some mixed reviews from me. the beginning with bradley cooper and hayden christensen was awesome, but after that, most scenes just got confusing. some of the effects were cheesy and the way characters met were sometimes too unrealistic. like the conversation was too random and lasted too long, and in new york it's more like you can't be bothered with that because everyone is always in a rush, but most scenes took place during cigarette breaks outside of bars and restaurants, so that was believable. but to be poetic and to go against what i just said, it was very new york. it was fast-paced and if you didn't understand, they just kept going without you. some things didn't make any sense, some things made so much sense you were almost flushed with a little embarrassment, and the funny parts were very refreshing, especially Olivia Thirlby, she was brilliant. OH MY GOD, SO WAS CLORIS LEACHMAN, she was AMAZING! anyway...it was nothing like the trailer, or what i expected from the trailer rather, but i can't really say that i was disappointed, but i also can't say it was a great movie that i recommend. if anything, i really think you (not necessarily YOU, just people in general) need to see it for yourself so you can make your own judgement because i think this movie would effect different people differently - like i went with margaret and since she's never been to nyc, i don't think it meant the same to her as it did to me, if that makes any sense? it was nice to watch a scene with a white guy playing basketball with a bunch of black guys and i wish there was an interracial couple in the movie, well i guess there was but they were divorced so it was just kind of awkward - WOW i am rambling like crazy. okay, well i hope this helps in anyway possible and if you need to know about music - i thought the soundtrack was good but wish the song by phoenix in the trailer was in the movie ( i don't remember it being in there )...