+ I'm so disappointed in you, and when my dad asked me if you knew how disappointed I actually am, I thought the word "disappointed" was a little harsh, because I personally hate when my parents say they're not mad, just disappointed. But honestly, I am so disappointed in you and that's the only word I can come up with. I thought you were different, I thought we were friends, I thought you wanted to get better. I can't take care of you and I don't want to anymore. I listened to what you said and took all of it to heart, and it's not something I can just forget about. I'm sorry.
+ I will be somewhere far away, and you will have to take a plane ride to see me, and as much as I think I'm strong enough to leave you, I can't imagine not having you near me. I love you both and the thought of only seeing you a few times a year makes my chest hurt more than you will ever know. When you told me I was your blood and your life, I wanted to break down. I hope when that day comes that I stay and you leave, I will be a stronger person. I also hope it is all worth it, because if it isn't and for any possible reason it doesn't work out, I will come home to you. Don't be scared, you will always be my Mom and Dad.
+ It's wrong to say 'I think'. One should say 'I am thought'. I is someone else. I am present at the birth of my thoughts. I watch and I listen. I draw a stroke of the bow. The symphony stirs in the depths or comes with a leap to the stage. It began with waves of disgust and it ends as we can't immediately seize this eternity - It ends with a riot of perfumes.
+ On a lighter note, this makes me happy:

You find them both in Grand Canyon. With the sun down.
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