Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sufjan Stevens - For the Widows in Paradise, For the Fatherless in Ypsilanti

Today in psychology, we were introduced to psychological disorders and we came across phobias. She went over the most typical phobias, which are fear of heights and creepy crawlers. Then she shared some celebrity fears, like Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterflies. But the one that I thought most interesting and absolutely perfect was Woody Allen. Woody Allen fears insects, sunshine, dogs, deer, bright colors, children, heights, small rooms, crowds, cancer and anywhere except Manhattan.

I must see Manhattan!
And this is the same video clip, but rather than Woody Allen as a voice over, it is Jack Kerouac reading from Visions of Cody and On the Road. It's pretty sweet.

I'm getting way too homesick. I am really excited for Dan Fran to move out here though. He should be here the Sunday before Thanksgiving, which is actually quite soon now that I think of it! Hey, that's the 23rd! Don't even get me started... Anyway, I really hope he is intrigued with the idea of having a girl roommate because it's honestly starting to look like the only thing I could do as far as living goes for next year. I really will not be able to afford $500-$700 a month next year, and even though my parents are not against that idea, I really don't want them to have to worry about that. I really just need to work and save all of my money. I have much more to say on this topic, but I still have this research paper to write and still have no motivation to do it. Someone needs to be sitting next to me so I can concentrate. That really would not make any sense to anyone else, but I really do get 'in the zone' when someone is next to me, either doing their own work or reading or just hanging out. When they leave, I start getting distracted by myself and go on Facebook, iChat, this stupid thing, etc. And now the auto save isn't working because "Could not contact Saving and publishing may fail. Retrying..."

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