Nanette Lepore

Diane von Furstenberg

Haute Hippie - I want to wear this with big earrings, short choppy hair and too much mascara and call it a modern Edie (who was Betsey Johnson's first model, by the way. Got to love Nylon).

Marc Jacobs tulip skirt - so sweet!

Michael Kors - I've never been a fan of his, that was my Mom's duty (I remain loyal to Marc). I have to say, though, I'd love to wear these to my internship by day and kick some major ass by night.

It's really late, I don't know where the hours between 11 and now, 4:15, went. I thought 'blogging' would make me tired, but now I just want to type my fingers off.
School. My grades are so great this semester, or at least they exceeded my expectations. I don't really know why people make such a fuss when I tell them I'm taking 18 credits. It really is all about time management. Which is hard coming from me since I work 8 hours a week and go to Tucson nearly every weekend. I skipped only one class and that was art. I got a 90 on my Women and Society midterm and a 95 on my Statistics in Psychology exam. I think my average in Sociology is 95. I got a C on my first English paper, but she's an incredibly tough grader with ridiculous standards (I'm gonna really knock her off my feet with my second paper then!). I used to care if people thought I was dorky for doing all my homework, going to every class, going to Tucson every weekend, staying in on Thursday nights, etc etc etc. But now I don't give a shit because I'm going to be the one with that 4.0 average and graduating early. Suckers.
Boyfriend. This spring break was...everything. It was such a beautiful glimpse into the future. Traveling, documenting, laughing, making memories, making love, remembering, forgetting, cleansing. It was exactly what I needed and it is safe to say he's the only one that can give me that. The time difference is really fucking with our schedules though. We still sleep together on the phone. Have since junior year, and it will never get old. Actually, I hear him moving around in the sheets now. It's 7:30 in the morning over there, which means he'll be waking up soon for his 9 AM class (I'm such a creep, but a creep in love). I told him I adore him the last day he was here. I don't think he heard me, or really took in the word 'adore'. It's really very strong. I adore everything about him.
Living Next Year: Blah, I don't know. Maybe live with Emma and Stephanie. Maybe live with Macy (if she comes back). Maybe live with Kayli. Maybe live in Vista del Sol. Maybe live in The Vue. Maybe live in a studio, maybe a two bedroom, maybe a four bedroom. Who fucking knows. I just want to live close to campus, like casual bike ride or short walk away. And I need my own bedroom, none of this sharing shit. I can't stand it anymore.
Classes Next Year: I'm really not sure about my schedule. I'm starting to think I should have just taken the one class I have on MW and switched it to TTh so I would only have classes twice a week. This is what it looks like so far:
MW 1. Social Psychology 2-3:15.
TTh 1. Research Methods (Lecture) 10:30-11:45. 2. Research Methods (Lab) 12-1:15. 3. Human Sexual Behavior 1:30-2:45. 4. Spanish 7:30-8:45.
Online 1. Intro to Justice Studies.
Yeah, that's a lot of shit on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I think it'd be cool if I had a break between Research Methods and Sexual so I could, I don't know, eat? That was dumb scheduling on my part. And fuck Spanish at night. I'm gonna be beat and alright, I know I used to wake up at like 6:30 in the morning for high school five days a week, but 10:30 is early for me, okay? But overall I'm excited for the amount of psychology. Also, after I do the Justice class I can take criminology! I'm probably going to take Serial Killers next semester too. Oh! And over the summer I'm taking another online course- Intro to Cultural and Social Anthropology. I used to be interested in anthropology at one time. Now not so much but it was the only interesting one besides art history and religions of the world.
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