Some vertical pictures that Joey took (the last one was my idea!):

Oh my! I wanted to go to sleep early tonight, like 11, so I could wake up early tomorrow and lay out by the pool before I get lunch with Kristin. Her phone got some water damage causing her R and E button to break so whenever she texts me "it I23s3mbl3s this"...quite confusing. I got dinner with my friend Emma, and her friend Sarah, who invited her friend Shawna. All very nice. Why couldn't I find these people sooner?
I downloaded Vuze. I'm sure that's nothing exciting but for someone who could only listen to music through her car radio and the 30 second intervals they share on iTunes, I'm pretty damn excited. So far I've downloaded "Seven Swans" by Sufjan Stevens, "You Forgot It In People" by Broken Social Scene, "It's Blitz" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs, "Out Of The Shadow" by Rogue Wave, "Paper Trail" by T.I., "Friend" by Grizzly Bear, "In Rainbows" by Radiohead, and "Sun Giant" by Fleet Foxes. I still need to download goodies by Okkervil River and Akron/Family. I feel like I would appreciate more of them.
I read so many entries of Girl of the Week on Some girls really confuse me, while others entertain, while others just simply bother me. The people at TV must have been on a blogger kick when they chose these girls, because every single one put an effort to bring up their blog somewhere and include the link. So of course, I thought it was annoying, but I looked at almost all of them. One I particularly like for the pictures and the ideas I get from her. She's 14 and has already been featured in two magazines and about three fashion websites. You see what I mean by annoying now? Another one I love because she's fabulous, but she tries too hard sometimes. She reins from Washington DC and basically posts her outfit from day to day and the local thrift stores. She's azn, she's got a very chic haircut and a beautiful array of pieces. The others were nice, but that's about it.
I wish Arizona State wasn't so much like high school. And wasn't so fucking hot. I'd really love to go to a small indie school (okay, I know there's no such thing as 'indie' school, but I want to be east coast and at a small but really great school academics-wise. Alicia, bring me to your people!) and wear random things and not feel like the frat boys and "sisters" will stare and talk. They will. I hate this school. I come to a state where you can see the sky for a hundred miles and I feel like I need to get to NY soon just to feel like I can breath again.
I love my boyfriend, no matter what. I can't wait to spend time with him in New Yorkkk and take pictures and laugh. God, I miss laughing. I need to take pictures myself. And just do something crazy, or creative. Creative works.
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