Have you seen the "Bad Romance" video by Lady Gaga yet? Well you should. And I don't say that because of the music - I say it because of Alexander McQueen. She debuted the song during his Spring 2010 show, so I'm not too surprised at this continued collaboration, but I do wish she didn't tweet that shit, because if she hadn't, the show would have been streaming live on some website for all the world to, ahem, go GAGA over!...but HEY that's old news right? Water under the bridge? Right? RIGHT? No one is STILL upset about that? Well, anyway, keep your eyes out for: UHMMMMM HELLO, his Armadillo shoes? And ps - these next two pictures show her entire head-to-toe outfit she wore while singing ""walk walk, fashion baby, work it move that bitch crazy." (all style.com) That's right, she wore all of this couture and definitely more that I didn't spot. But oh my god, what a lucky little lady! Now go watch it all in action:
Saw it, loved it, want it. Not the armadillo shoes though. Creative, however they are far too intense and armadillo-ish for me to handle! You know what I'm sayin. :)
Saw it, loved it, want it. Not the armadillo shoes though. Creative, however they are far too intense and armadillo-ish for me to handle! You know what I'm sayin. :)