All day I wished I was in the snow playing with all the elves, but instead I searched through craigslist because it has strangely become my newest obsession. Do you do countdowns? For some reason I love counting down the days/hours/minutes/seconds to everything. There is so much to look forward to! But I don't want to waste time in the present thinking about the future either. It's so hard to balance the two, really. If we truly wanted to live only in the here and now we wouldn't waste our time at jobs, but hey, we need money for the future. And if you want that nice house, you have to start looking now. And if you want to get into that good college/program/internship, you need to be applying NOW. But right at this moment, I just want to look at pictures of pretty things I will one day own; not now.

cobrasnake, fashionindie, fashiongonerogue,, tfs, facehunter
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