What a wonderful time of year. So if I lived the life I would have chosen for myself, I'd be showing my shit with the Academy of Art University buuuuuut I'm not, and that's cool. This is the first time I'm not pumping my fist up the sky screaming "why?!" (not that I actually do). Instead I'm just looking forward to when I can join in on the fashion fun. Obviously, I'm very jealous of everyone and anyone who is going into the city today and yadda yadda yadda, but I know there will be a time and I'll just have to be patient.
But in light of this fabulous week, I decided I'd actually try to look nice everyday (just for this week of course). So here's my outfit from today.

SKIRT: Walgreens, $2; SHIRT: Forever 21, $2.50; SCARF: AEO, $6.99
Making $10 look $1,000,000 worth. That's more than fashion.