Fashion Week thus far and my thoughts:
Vena Cava. I didn't really like this whole show. Sorry to start off negatively! But I did really like these 3 pieces. To be a badass, or come off as one, I always think you gotta be wearing black to pull it off, but this first piece totally proved me wrong. The collar on the second is very interesting. And the third dress reminds me of that polka dot dress Julia Roberts wears in Pretty Woman, don't ask me why, I know there's barely any resemblance.

Helmut Lang. Overall, I was very excited to see more denim (duh) and more tulip skirts (yay!) but NOT harem pants. Anyway, Helmut Lang did amazing things with denim and I can basically put the vest, jacket and entire third ensemble on my WishList. That model with the tulip skirt scares me.

Ports 1961. So I'm not as excited as the people at Style.com are about this collection, but what the hell do I know? Whatever it is, I do know that I really like all three of these. This first dress reminds me of a dress I bought at Buffalo Exchange from theory. Well, the fabric anyway.. I think it looks really classic. I love the play on tie-dye in the second. And that sweater/jacket thing. And the third, I was going to say I like the shape of it but now that I look at it I think I mean the lack of shape and yet it still looks so feminine. PS- see those shoes sticking out from the left side of the shot in the second picture? Yeah, buy me those.

Rachel Comey. I like that she had this on a rooftop. I would love that coat, that off-white dress and that cute strapless number that for some reason reminds me of the Wild Wild West, aka a cowgirl.

Organic by John Patrick. Never heard of this before but I was really intrigued. This first picture isn't my favorite but so many things about it I was drawn to, i.e. the rolled up pants, blazer, and of course, the bow-tie. The second picture is such a fantastic I-just-rolled-out-of-bed-and-look-this-good-What-do-you-want? look. And here are more examples of the high socks! I really wasn't into the flowery printed stuff, but I really like it in the third look because it's so subtle.

L.A.M.B. .. .. .. Oh, how I fell in love with Gwen Stefani this time around. The white tights, eh, but the shoes, how I love the shoes. And the hair! Anyway, this first little item is dreamy. I've been really diggin' the jumper scene and this is right up my alley. Yes, I see the knot, so not really shorts, I know. But a girl can dream. The jacket is AMAZING and that's all I can say to describe it. And the third picture is, well, perfect. It just seems so effortless. Tonight I went out with the girls and wore any outfit I'd wear to class and just threw heels on and it reminded me of that outfit and it makes me happy that something so casual can be so chic.

BCBG. Two beautiful dresses. This first one is so amazing, I wish more of their pieces looked like it, but I really loved the whole collection (minus the black mesh, not so much). The second one has really interesting details and I usually HATE pink, but this dress just made me melt if that's even possible?

This was supposed to be short, sorry! Shannan asked me what Mercedes Benz Fashion Week was yesterday after I was basically greeting everyone with "Happy Mercedes....". You get the idea. I was way excited to talk to her about it, and well, it gets me excited.
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